What has caused Iranians to be where they are now. There are definitely many causes.
One root cause we believe is the lack of education on basic political knowledge and awareness. The Iranian nation has been governed by despotic regimes for hundreds of years. They have not been taught simple but basic concepts and subjects that are building blocks of a functioning civil society. We believe there is a need for education on the following listed topics:
1- Liberalism, democracy, totalitarianism, fascism
2- Signs of a despotic regimes
3- Free market society, socialism, communism
4- human rights, democracy, civil society
5- How to build a democratic civil society
6- Governed vs government and their responsibilities
7- A good constitution versus a bad one
8- Religion versus State
9- Types of systems of governments, pros and cons of each type.
10- Importance of a constitution and who writes it and when it should be written
11- Can a constitution be changed? and the mechanism of changing it.
Our goal is to create an online Government 101 through various methods and means.
It is also very important that we reach as many Iranians inside and outside Iran. To increase our audience we will take advantage of multiple social media platforms such as youtube, instagram, facebook, X , clubhouse, and podcasts.
Potential impact:
People will be better equipped to :
1- Identify misinformation and disinformation.
2- Judge who is telling the truth.
3- Make wise and smart decisions about politics and news.
4- Enable Iranians to unite and create a solid authentic opposition entity in the diaspora who can serve as a vehicle in bringing a democratic government in Iran.
How Funds will be used:
1- Guest speakers specialized on various topics
2- Staff to create and manage social media platforms
3- Motion graphic designer to create educational animations appropriate and effective for different age groups.
4- Graphic designer, video editor, podcast producer