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”No one has ever become poor by giving” Ann Frank

We want to empower Iranians to succeed in their strive against tyranny, poverty and human rights violations in Iran.


We are looking for funding for our own in-house projects and for independent projects which we collaborate with. 

Iranians in the diaspora either individually or in small groups of 3 to 5 are running projects that need funding. We all have full time jobs and a personal life filled with responsibilities.  Not only, we spend most of our leisure time on our projects, many times we deprive ourselves of family time and sleep to make time for the projects. We are burned out.  We need staff to advance our projects. Please help us to help Iran.


Brights Days 4 Iran’s mission is to support and help Iranians in their struggle for freedom and democracy. We support and champion the rights of humans, animals and the environment in Iran.


Your donations are 100% tax deductible

For donations and grants we reach out to the Iranian diaspora, government, non-government and philanthropic organizations.
Bright Days 4 Iran is a nonprofit public charitable organization, and it is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(3) EIN: 82-4517924
Please feel free to request to earmark your donation for a specific cause.

Tax Information

Bright Days 4 Iran is a nonprofit public charitable organization, and it is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(3) EIN: 82-4517924

Who We Are

“We rise by lifting others”  Robert Ingersoll

We are Iranians in the diaspora who decided to walk our talk and do our share for  achieving Bright Days 4 Iran.

We distance ourselves from any individuals and groups who claim to be the voice of Iranians.


We do not endorse any specific individuals, groups, or organizations that lay claim to the Women Life Freedom movement, nor do we associate with any particular political party or entity.
We do not hold a preference for, endorse, advocate for, or engage in lobbying on behalf of any political groups or organizations, whether inside or outside of Iran.